Tour De France Screenshots

Sorry about the wait, I’ve been busy creating the standings program for mammoth graphics to create their standings feed for the iPhone app. Here are the screen shots:

The app is still in review stage, to which I hope is all approved as soon as possible. Hope the app gains at least some popularity, at least till the next app is done 😉

BTW. The name of the app is TDF2009, support will be greatly appriciated!

Speak to you all soon

“On ya Bike” – Tour De France iPhone App

Hey Guys, good time now to say that the iPhone app i have been working on is a Tour De France app. This app now is in the final stages of development before uploading to app store this monday.
The main features of this app is contain information about the stages, including detail map images, profile images to show the contours of the stage, have fly through videos of the stage and to contain information about the different climbs and sprints.
Information about the teams including the riders in the teams is included. A history section is included in the app to show all winners of the Tour De France since the first race in 1903.
In addition to this, you will be able to keep track of the overall standings of the race, which categorises the results in to:

  • Individual (Yellow Jersey)
  • Points (Green Jersey)
  • Team
  • Climber (Red Pokadot Jersey)
  • Youth (White Jersey)

I will be putting up screen shots of the app on sunday when hopefully its complete (or near). I have been working with Mammoth Graphics to complete this app. The app i think will be on app store for free, so any tour de france fans should give the app a try and hope to give a good user experience for such an amazing race!

Anyhow, going for now but screen shots will be up soon!


Viva la France!

Hey Guys! Sorry for the extreme length of time since my last post, to say I have been slightly busy would be a complete understatement! Since my last post I attended a paper workshop in Windsor for colleagues on our project to meet, discuss the current dissemination strategy and overall try and start some paper writing. This session proved to be extremely productive, but since has gone rather flat, well at least that’s my opinion. Since then I have been starting a new project for a client involving an iPhone Application development. This development has now commenced and has a deadline, at least for the iPhone development side in the next 4-5 weeks. Overall feel slightly concerned, mainly that I am the lead programmer for this (which I feel is slightly crazy for such a tight schedule). I’m slowly getting the hang of Apple iPhone development, though inexperience in using Interface Builder is causing me some head ache. Hopefully this weekend will prove productive and lower some stress I have currently. Until next time people!   

What an interesting day…

Yesterday was a rather good day but ended on a different note. The day was going well, i had got lunch with a friend and then went shopping though i didn’t buy anything. When i was talking to another friend in the evening the friend started acting extremely judgmental and rather arrogant and nasty. I just can’t understand why i get spoken to nicely sometimes by this person then treated like rubbish the next? Thing that gets me is how I didn’t say anything to aggravate the situation and rather tried to not say anything back.
On that note last night i continued with my helloworld app on the apple sdk. Had some problems being caused by unhandled exceptions that i didn’t understand because the helloworld app is an example I got from a book. Today i went on the authors site and downloaded revised code directly and it was slightly different to the book (weird?). Anyhow the program is now running so just in the process of having a play around with the app to try and get a greater understanding of the language